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Here's How The SmartYard Forces Animals Away From Your Property...
Step 1 - Install the SmartYard in the area where you're having the animal problem, and download our smartphone app so you can adjust the settings of your device right from your phone
The Bluetooth app has 7 specific frequencies targeted to eliminate different animals or pests
Step 2 - When an animal or pest moves within 60ft (18m) of the device, the motion sensor gets activated & emits a high-pitch sound frequency to disorient and scare away the pest.
Each pest or animal has a certain sound frequency that it can’t stand. This frequency could remind them of a fearsome predator coming after them or it could make them feel sick.
For us humans it's like someone scratching their nails on a chalkboard.
SmartYard allows you to target the exact pest you want to repel using the frequency they'll find most irritating.
What Makes This SmartYard The Best Animal Repellent Device?
The World's First Device That Uses Bluetooth Technology To Pinpoint & Drive Animals Out Of Your Property!
Frequently Asked Questions About The SmartYard