You’ve literally spent the whole Sunday making sure everything in the house is clean. You check the kitchen after an hour to marvel at your hard work and spot an icky brown creature on the wall, scrambling on it’s way back to the cupboards. Here you are now, trying to learn more about cockroaches and how to get rid of them.
Cockroaches are insects that naturally wallow in filth and have bad smell that can cause several intestinal diseases like diarrhea and cholera. Frequent exposure to its smell can also cause allergic reactions making them dangerous sources of allergen and horrible triggers of asthma. Aside from its impact on our physical health, it also has created a behavioral trait of fear and reacting in panic, making it a huge subject of phobia. Easy to say, seeing one in the house is enough to make you scream your wits off.
They are (relatively) tiny and fast, and difficult to get rid of, but we want to and maybe, nicely. After all, they have walked the earth longer than we have. Here are some ideas on how to get rid of cockroaches in the house without killing them.
Set up a trap or traps.
To trap and kill cockroaches, you may use sugar, boric acid and flour to make naturally poisonous doughs. But since we’re trying our best to be nice, here’s an idea. Get a jar of water or sugar to trap them. Jars can be pretty good traps as they won’t be able to climb out easily. Considering of course they don’t think fast and start flying off. Set up traps depending on how many you think you need and wait. Once you’ve trapped them, carefully dispose of them outside. Birds, frogs and spiders can do their part of the job from there. You may also opt to use a vacuum for this one. Just make sure you seal the opening and the bins so they don’t go out without your permission. Tricky, we know.
Clean, clean, clean...and more cleaning!
Cleaning the house is essential. Now that they have marked the house, cleaning the kitchen is even more essential. Cockroaches entered your house in search of water and food, thus the trap. Now it is imperative to cut the source. Avoid leaving anything open even with the slightest hole, and make sure to always, ALWAYS check for crumbs on the floor. And from your experience now, even a clean house can still get infested. So what bad does regular cleaning do?
It is also good to note that cockroaches live for paper and cardboard boxes. It’s probably best to get rid of old and unused boxes in the house too.
One does not simply enter...the house.
Now that everything in the house is squeaky clean once again, it is time to build a fortress of calm and cleanliness away from these crawly little creatures with their long antennae. Seal all openings and entrances they might use. And we mean, EVERYTHING. You may use caulking materials to seal all crevices and entry holes you can find in your cabinets. You might want to seal those gaps in the walls and tiles too. This isn’t just getting rid of the cockroaches in your house, but is also a good way to avoid their return. Let’s just hope they don’t remember how to use those wings.
Let’s get natural.
To drive them further away from the house, especially the kitchen, you may also like to try making your own, natural repellents. In the case that you have furry friends, or little walking creatures in the house that need to be considered, natural repellents are the way to go. Instead of spraying those awful smelling pest control sprays that may even cause irritation and poisoning, go to your kitchen and whip up a safer option.
Cockroaches are believed to hate the smell of citrus, specifically the lemon. You can use water with a few drops of lemon juice to mop your floor with. You can also use citronella oils and use a few drops to wipe certain household things and areas with. It doesn’t just smell better, it’s also a lot safer for pets and kids walking around the house.
Here’s another natural way to get rid of cockroaches in the house. Get a lizard or a frog to feed on them! Maybe it’s time to get pets that aren’t dogs...okay okay, we’re kidding.
Roach busters!
We get it. Roaches aren’t exactly pretty little butterflies and you don’t want anything to do with it. You might have even run away and never come back if it wasn’t your house. Well, clearly the answer to that problem is to not do it yourself. It will definitely cost you, but there is always the option of calling professional pest control. One sighting means there might be more and we know it’s not always a one person job. Some pest control management situations are a one-time service and some are year-round. Either way, it’s your time and money.
It’s worth noting that these ideas, though may help you get rid of the cockroaches in your house without actively killing them, is still just a step shy of the last part. They all require some amount of work into it unless you choose to have someone do it for you, which will cost you some amount of money too. Maybe you need something easier that won’t require a subscription yearly. An increasing number of household members and makers are trying indoor plug-in pest repellents. There are no complicated do-it-yourself steps, and you will be keeping your promise of getting rid of them, but not killing them.
We suggest you try HomeShielders Plug2Repel ultrasonic devices. This eco-friendly device is safe for your pets, your kids and you. You plug it in, and wait for the cockroaches to naturally stay away from your house. No steps, no help, no fuss. Know more about the product.
Uses dual-speaker ultrasonic & electromagnetic technology to repel away mice, rats, ants, cockroaches and spiders.
100% eco-friendly & humane way to force pests out of your home in less than 14 days.
Completely safe around pets & kids.
$49.99 $29.95
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"After some minor hiccups and initial non-cooperation from our resident Mickeys & Minnies, our Plug2Repel devices are doing a sterling job of keeping the critters at bay. The dyn-o-mite folks at HomeShielders replaced our 1st two devices with great speed & no hassle.
I plan on purchasing a couple more for the upstairs of our house to convince whatever crawlies might be contemplating setting up shop that they need to go squat elsewhere.
A top notch small company with an equally top notch product!"
Diana L. - Customer of the Plug2Repel device
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I purchased this device 2 weeks ago for my daughter's college dorm room. She seemed to be plagued with stink bugs, spiders and mosquitos.
She started using it 6 days ago and informed me yesterday that she hasn't seen one bug since she plugged it in. The product worked exactly as described. I bought this device based on customer reviews and so far I have no regrets.
The owner of the company has emailed me a few times to make sure I'm happy with his product, which proves to me that customer satisfaction is very important to his company. I would definitely recommend this product.
Colene M. - Customer of the Plug2Repel device
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